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Burnout Epidemic: International SOS Data Highlights Urgent Need for Action

KUALA LUMPUR: In a relentless cycle of crises, International SOS, the leading global health and security services company, sheds light on critical insights from its Risk Outlook 2024 report. Employee burnout due to crisis fatigue has emerged as a significant concern. The report reveals a daunting challenge for organisations: nearly two-thirds of surveyed professionals expect greater complexity in ensuring their workforce’s health, wellbeing, and security this year, marking the highest proportion in the past five years. Building on these findings, International SOS emphasizes the urgent need for organisations to proactively address employee stress and burnout.

The cumulative effect of ongoing crises, along with personal stressors like rising living costs, climate change concerns, and political polarisation, has severely impacted individual wellbeing. This confluence of crises has led to a state of permacrisis, where traditional cycles of crisis and recovery are replaced by continuous flux and uncertainty. Prolonged crisis exposure has increased employee burnout, marked by emotional exhaustion and reduced productivity. With future pandemics and unforeseen events on the horizon, employers must shift from reactive crisis management to proactive preparedness. This transition is essential to mitigate the adverse effects of permacrisis and burnout within the workforce.

Dr. Kate O’Reilly, Regional Medical Director at International SOS, underscores the gravity of the situation: “The current landscape shows a worrying trend of burnout permeating workplaces globally. We see a convergence of factors, including increased workloads, lack of work-life balance, and constant change and unpredictability. These challenges push employees into uncharted territory, blurring the lines between professional and personal wellbeing. Burnout prevalence demands immediate attention from organisations. Employers must recognise its significance and implement preventive measures. This requires understanding the root causes of burnout and focusing on job design to foster a work environment that prioritises holistic wellbeing and sustainable performance.”

International SOS offers expert advice to combat workforce burnout:

  1. Recognise the signs: Conduct regular check-ins to assess employee wellbeing and identify early burnout signs. Train managers to spot these signs and provide resources to support their teams effectively. Promote open dialogue about mental health and reduce stigma around seeking help for stress-related issues.
  2. Proactive measures: Provide access to mental health support programmes, including counselling and employee assistance programmes. Organise stress management workshops to equip employees with coping strategies and resilience-building techniques.
  3. Enhance resilience: Promote a culture of resilience by encouraging work-life balance. Provide resources for employees to seek support when needed. Establish clear protocols for managing stress-related absences and create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their challenges.
  4. Strategic planning: Develop comprehensive crisis management plans addressing burnout and stress-related challenges. Include protocols for managing workload distribution during high-stress periods and establish mechanisms for monitoring and addressing employee wellbeing.
  5. Collaborative efforts: Partner with external experts and organisations to leverage their expertise in addressing burnout and supporting employee wellbeing. Share best practices and insights to collectively strengthen resilience and support systems.

By adopting these strategies, organisations can better navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, ensuring their employees remain healthy, resilient, and productive.

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